25 of MW's favorite flicks:
While chatting with Joe yesterday about Kill Bill v. 1 I dropped that Pulp Fiction was on my top 25 list. do I really have a top 25? so I figured the experiment would be worthwhile:
Top three rotate and 4-5 are fairly set, but beyond that the list is staggered with 6-10 and 11-25 being the only real orders there, with change possible as I remember more enjoyed movies. Comments may come with time.
1. Fight Club
2. Shawshank Redemption
3. Good Will Hunting
4. Requiem for a Dream
5. Leaving Las Vegas
6. Shakespeare in Love
7. LA Confidential
8. American Psycho
9. American History X
10. Casablanca
11. Amadeus
12. Pulp Fiction
13. Magnolia
14. Boogie Nights
15. Hard Boiled
16. Fellowship of the Ring
17. Gangs of New York
18. El Mariachi
19. Heat
20. Big Trouble in Little China
21. From Russia With Love
22. Matrix
23. Seven
24. Usual Suspects
25. Tombstone/The Searchers (cheap out, yet both satisfy as 'westerns' in distinct modes)
Beyond that, Taxi Driver, American Beauty, Apostle, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Program, Tin Cup, Tal. Mr. Ripley, and various Disneys came to mind and would continue the list towards 50. The majority of this list consists of films I could pick up and watch anytime, with exceptions of Requiem, AHX, and Vegas due to resonance. Also in that category, yet not as strong with me at the moment (although it was in 2000-01) is Beyond the Mat. A late 90s onward bias is evident, but any and all comments are welcome.
Also FYI, this is my list of recently-released/soon-to-be released films that I have yet to see, and plan to seek out at some point, whether theatrically or on disc:
Tier One:
Once Upon a Time in Mexico
Matrix Revolutions
Pirates of the Caribbean
Return of the King
Kill Bill vol. 2 (April)
Tier Two:
My Life Without Me
American Splendor
Also of cinematic interest, I plan to attend the City of Angels Film Festival this weekend, most likely for screenings of Pulp Fiction (big screen...), The 400 Blows, and Moulin Rouge, as well as the panels afterward and the closing dessert social. Should be a most excellent event, and I will post reflections as possible (most likely after finishing theodicy paper for PH508).
While chatting with Joe yesterday about Kill Bill v. 1 I dropped that Pulp Fiction was on my top 25 list. do I really have a top 25? so I figured the experiment would be worthwhile:
Top three rotate and 4-5 are fairly set, but beyond that the list is staggered with 6-10 and 11-25 being the only real orders there, with change possible as I remember more enjoyed movies. Comments may come with time.
1. Fight Club
2. Shawshank Redemption
3. Good Will Hunting
4. Requiem for a Dream
5. Leaving Las Vegas
6. Shakespeare in Love
7. LA Confidential
8. American Psycho
9. American History X
10. Casablanca
11. Amadeus
12. Pulp Fiction
13. Magnolia
14. Boogie Nights
15. Hard Boiled
16. Fellowship of the Ring
17. Gangs of New York
18. El Mariachi
19. Heat
20. Big Trouble in Little China
21. From Russia With Love
22. Matrix
23. Seven
24. Usual Suspects
25. Tombstone/The Searchers (cheap out, yet both satisfy as 'westerns' in distinct modes)
Beyond that, Taxi Driver, American Beauty, Apostle, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Program, Tin Cup, Tal. Mr. Ripley, and various Disneys came to mind and would continue the list towards 50. The majority of this list consists of films I could pick up and watch anytime, with exceptions of Requiem, AHX, and Vegas due to resonance. Also in that category, yet not as strong with me at the moment (although it was in 2000-01) is Beyond the Mat. A late 90s onward bias is evident, but any and all comments are welcome.
Also FYI, this is my list of recently-released/soon-to-be released films that I have yet to see, and plan to seek out at some point, whether theatrically or on disc:
Tier One:
Once Upon a Time in Mexico
Matrix Revolutions
Pirates of the Caribbean
Return of the King
Kill Bill vol. 2 (April)
Tier Two:
My Life Without Me
American Splendor
Also of cinematic interest, I plan to attend the City of Angels Film Festival this weekend, most likely for screenings of Pulp Fiction (big screen...), The 400 Blows, and Moulin Rouge, as well as the panels afterward and the closing dessert social. Should be a most excellent event, and I will post reflections as possible (most likely after finishing theodicy paper for PH508).