Work in Progress

Baseball, Seminary, Wrestling, and the Dreams and Days of one Mike Work's Angeles experience

Saturday, June 18, 2005

After this week of Dodger interleague play, please refrain from talking with me about baseball, unless you're interested in how i'm faring in the fantasy league.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

A curse on wireless internet...
I leave campus to read and write without the lure of the hook-up, and what happens? A network pops up, and Hans Frei fades into the background of blogs, music, and baseball.

I've been subscribing to emusic for about six months now, and pull a few albums off monthly. Last month was Dashboard Confessional and Ray CHarles' duets album. This month?

Bloc Party's 'Silent Alarm' has commanded my attention often of late, even if I couldn't get off work for their LA shows last week.

In addition, I picked up the Arcade Fire's 'Funeral,' and will delve into it over the upcoming weeks, as well as Damien Jurado's 2003 'Where Shall You Take Me?' and the EP he brought out last year.

One download left, what'll it be? Arkay gives mad props to Mogwai's single track 'My Father, My King,' ostensibly a companion piece to 'Rock Action.' Work can dig that.

Okay,! write now right now write now right now write now right that?