12:25pm, and after spending the 3 and 4 am hour wondering if I would sleep (and the 6-7:30 period phasing in and wondering if I had slept through the 8:00 exam and arisen at 12:30, the day has gone unexpectedly well. 8 saw Doc Thompson's exam, and I feel really good about it, especially the essays, having written a short essay on the significance of the moment of God-consciousness in Schleiermacher's Speeches, as well as one on Wesley's understanding of universal prevenient grace, and a longer one on John Wesley as an evangelical catholic. These two figures, I did not expect to appreciate, nor have as much in common with, as I do now, so that's another pleasant development. As for the rest of the test, the quotes and IDs weren't too shabby, and were respectable enough that I settled for answers, rather than adorned answers (ie - Karl Barth, who most likely wasn't wearing a yellow shirt while writing this; Emil Brunner, not the Rock, as some have surmised).
So that's that for the required church history sequence; I shall miss it, as well as Doc Thompson, among my favorite profs here thus far. Hopefully I'll be able to take another class with him in the future, be that in the classroom or directed reading-style, for he's been human, entertaining, and stretching, really pressing me to develop my thought and my writing over the past two quarters. I'd imagine he's teaching Presbyterian Creeds and Patristic Theology in the fall, the latter of which I've already taken the equivalent in the broader history track, but might be up for auditing if it's not full.
As for the rest of the morning, it's been most excellent. MK and I stopped by our boss' office at security on the way back, inquiring about when our keys for the switchboard were ready, and were treated to choco-pies and soda, as well as learning of the possibility for extra hours on Saturday, parking cars at graduation. If I go through with it, it'd be a long day, emphasis on the 13 hours with that shift and then working security at night, before (hopefully) making it to Chris Pack's for the tail end of his grad extravaganza, but it'd be really nice to have some fiscal recovery from last week, when rent, the deposit for the new place, textbook needs, and groceries all hit within a five-day span.
As is, I do think this work-study job is going to go really well; I work two nights a week, and will have time to study while on the job, as well as having supervisors who are solid guys and won't make working under them a pain.
But on to the road, which is where Matt and I next headed, to Best Buy, for his external hard drive and my laptop power cord problem. I'm still under the warranty/service plan, so we put an order through with customer service, which I confirmed by calling the 1-888 number, and the parts are on their way. While in-store, I took the opportunity to use the gift certs mom gave me from the reward zone, and pulled some discs that had been on my shopping list for a while now (Reservoir Dogs, Wayne's World 1&2), the recently-released Return of the King DVD, and Tool's Aenima, which was strikingly sound music in 97, and has recently re-caught my ear. All this for under $20, and Mike was pleased to work this entertainment budget.
After these occurrences, I returned home to find that building services had come by while out and fixed the back door so that my key now works; as such, I no longer have to traverse through Todd's room to get to mine when coming home, but can evade that difficulty by using my door. Well done, guys, and that, along with fixing the shower, is the second issue they've fixed within one business day of request since I moved in ten back. Highest commendations all around.
I am currently in the spirit of giving props, but we shall see if the lunch destination merits such cred; Michelle and Eric are on their way, so their pick is of interest.
Until the next...