Work in Progress

Baseball, Seminary, Wrestling, and the Dreams and Days of one Mike Work's Angeles experience

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Exam week and 30 pages of writing (that I didn't realize were 30 until that week) later...oh yeah, plus moving, last week was vacation, and me, Jamie, Brian, Eric, and Paige piled into the TDI for the Monday drive down to Ensenada, where Jorge, Maria, and Michelle joined us on Thursday. On my end, trip was great, much needed rest, and good time spent with all.

But I'm back in Pasadena now, and spring quarter means Post-Reformation Theology, Christology/Soteriology, and the Third Quest for the Historical Jesus, which, combined with finishing Foundations and psych testings, as well as various life facets, means that Mike'll take a beating this quarter, but will enjoy it somehow.
Anyways, without a landline in the new place, net access will come from Pasadena Public Library Wireless, which probably means I'll be more productive, as well as a more frequent poster, as I so totally dig hi-speed.

But that's a base update, with more coming as feasible.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Furthermore, I must post this Amazon review (although the Pitchfork review is pretty studly as well, criticizing creatively) of Mach's album, for all ye who were fence-sitters regarding "Be a Man":

Reviewer: sergio (see more about me) from Berwyn, Il United States
Randy Macho Man Savage's excursion into the hip-hop arena represents an pivotal moment for American culture and civilization. In creating his recording, "Be A Man", Savage throws out all conventional ways and approaches to artistic expression and replaces them with new structures and processes of analyzing the age-old problematics brought about by human conflict, identity and belonging.

Savage manages to do this by utilizing a multi-disciplinary, consilient approach (which E.O. Wilson would be proud of) by synthesising elements of American popular culture such as wrestling and hip hop. In Sartre's existentialist tradition, Macho utilizes the elements available in his times and environment to revalidate and giving meaning to what had become a meager existence, while at the same time elevating & liberating the rest of humanity to another level of meaningful existence.

Examples of this new paradigm of human expression abound in this ouevre. From the cd cover photo, which shows Mr. Macho manipulating the chains which symbolize the possibility of humanity's ability to break away from the chains of oppression that enslave us all and prevent us from leading a truly meaningful existence, to his aptly named title track, "Be A Man" which utilizes his rivalry with Hulk Hogan as a metaphor for the conflict between a superficial and unfulfilling material existence and a meaningful and rich human existence. This truly is a paradigmatic change that T. Kuhn would find exemplary.

This is a seminal must for any one's artistic recordings collection, for it is destined to be a classic and the topic of scholarly and intellectual discussions for quite some time.

Five stars is not enough to show the importance of this recording. Perhap all the stars in the Ursa Major constellation would be more fitting.
A blender...Ooohhh yeah, I can use this!
That was my thought upon finding one in the back of the cabinets yesterday, upon which an experiment with iced coffee came out quite well. Flashback: SummerSlam 91 and Randy Savage's reaction to his wedding gifts (vidcaps would be great here). While I can dig the similar reactions, and could dig the possibility of a role in a Spider-Man movie, hopefully I won't release
this album come 2015...