Work in Progress

Baseball, Seminary, Wrestling, and the Dreams and Days of one Mike Work's Angeles experience

Friday, December 09, 2005

Exam Week

That's what i've been kind of up to lately.

It's not really bad at all this quarter, with only one late night of studying, and that was last night, when jo, cara, and i got back from a good friend's short film screening across town around 10.30. i put in about two and a half hours reading dissertations and making notes for our group paper in culture&transformation, and finished my section this morning. i'm really pleased with it, and have generally positive vibes about the project experience, and its value for the future.

all that remains is to edit the paper together, print and submit, alongside my other completed coursework for the quarter. that's where things get tricky, with the card reader in the lab breaking down on the last day of finals ('s all in the timing), jacking the price of printing through the roof. when one can't print from home because of various hardware and software issues, this is a problem.

and i think i left my flash drive in a lab computer...hope its still there!


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