Work in Progress

Baseball, Seminary, Wrestling, and the Dreams and Days of one Mike Work's Angeles experience

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Long day at the preventing abuse conference, and i crashed out for a few minutes on the return rail. Loads of good, practical information, and some really solid people were there, both at the podium or in the seats. Odd phenomenon...from lunch onwards, everyone i struck up conversation with had a close pasadena connection...bizaah.

Two months of info-gathering on the sex trade and trafficking...tons of resources. I really do need to start dispersing some of this; another blog or a full website is in the offing. Anyone up for helping put it together, doing idea generation and/or design with me?

Today's talk brought me to thinking, strategizing, and dreaming...crazy church planter in me is starting to come back out...and i think i may have a practicum idea or two...

Got back home at ten to six, didn't want to go to class...but here i am, and it's proving worthwhile. Just happens that Dr. Bobby Gupta's in town from India for the school's 40th anniversary celebration; he's being honored for his work planting churches in india and also connecting North Americans and Indians in ministry ventures, and spoke in chapel this morning. Dr Lingenfelter invited him to class tonight, both to lecture for an hour on partnership, and also to speak to our small project group. Really amazing of him to do so, recognizing that we're looking at these issues as it relates to Indian bible colleges and their training of ministers, and setting us up to speak with a guy who knows the issues firsthand. Whoa.

However, I'm positive that i will be wiped out or zonk out?
I'm opting for the latter.


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