Work in Progress

Baseball, Seminary, Wrestling, and the Dreams and Days of one Mike Work's Angeles experience

Thursday, July 15, 2004

This morning saw the completion of a first reading of Alyssa Quart'sBranded: The Buying and Selling of Teenagers (full review is yet to come; worth a read, especially if you have the Mike-neglected foresight to check Amazon for new/used copies), followed by a news reading, with one NYTimes story catching my attention, in connection to the book.

from the article (emphasis mine):

Abercrombie is also reintroducing a slightly more pristine company magazine. And while the publication is cleaned up - it no longer advocates group sex, for example - Mr. Jeffries (CEO) made it absolutely clear he is still determined to keep Abercrombie on the edge with both fashion and image.

"The people who are intimidated are not our customers," Mr. Jeffries said, wearing the company's summer "uniform," a striped shirt hanging out over baggy khaki shorts and flip-flop sandals. "We want college kids, the ones who aspire to be the coolest. We've been voted the third coolest brand, after Nike, and, I think, Sony."

The New York Times > Business > Abercrombie & Fitch May Be Cool. But Cool Only Goes So Far.

(From my internal dialogue:Yes, Mike, you are the master of the obvious...but there's something there...follow thread)


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